Maina Kageni felt Martha Karua’s wrath after a caller called him this morning and attacked Martha Karua.
“Maina Kageni, are you married yourself?
Are you a failure? Your role is to direct the conversation to be of use to society,
tell us…”,Martha said.
Maina Kageni has been hosting his morning show in Classic 105 where the subject is centered around women issues and relationships.
The eloquent English speaker was at pains to explain why he advises against marriage yet he has never tasted the sweetness of the union.
Maina kageni is 42 years and very successful in his career.However,he is single and not interested in Marrige. He is wealthy and very influential in the media industry.
The popular Classic FM presenter used to host the morning show at Kiss 100 before he was transferred to Classic 105 by Radio Africa Management.He started co-hosting the morning show alongside the King of Comedy Daniel Ndambuki aka Mwalimu Kingangi.The show has grown tremendously,even becoming more popular than Kiss 100