Lenaole and Mwailu in Trouble…But Donald Kipkorir’s Letter to Fazul might Rescue them from the Jaws of Jubilee



Supreme Court Judges,Philomena Mailu and Isaac Lenaole may soon exit the court after Angaza Empowerment Network moved to court to demand for the removal of the two judges.

The NGO states that the two judges were heavily compromised during the NASA petition,they can,therefore,not be trusted with any future judgement.It further demanded the disbandment of the entire JSC.But a letter from Donald Kipkorir to NGO Coordination Board head could be a game changer. The lawyer has asked the troubled CEO to clarify the following:

Dear Fazul Mahamed, Executive Director, NGO Board:

An NGO called Angaza Empowerment Network through one Derrick Maliku Ngumu has filed a Petition to remove Justices Philomena Mailu and Isaac Lenaola from the Supreme Court.

Pursuant to Article 35 of the Constitution, make public:

  1. When this NGO was registered and when you issued the Certificate and Certificate number.
    2. Whether the NGO has bank accounts and which Banks.
    3. How much money has the NGO been receiving and from who?
    4. Who are the Directors and Senior Management of the NGO?
    5. Who is Derrick Malika Ngumu, and what is his title in the NGO?
    6. If the NGO is registered, what were its objectives?

Before, you have published details of other NGOs. As a public servant, Chapter 6 of the Constitution obligates you to be impartial and to treat all equally.

Waiting for your prompt response.
