30 Best Marketable Short courses to do in Kenya after finishing form four, after KCSE result is out in 2022


After form four, there are several short and marketable courses to do as you wait to go to college or university. Such courses will help you secure employment faster after graduation. One of the best courses is CPA which is usually pursued by people who aim to be accountants or finance professionals.KASNEB is the institution that offers CPA and other short courses related to accounting.

Another good course to pursue is IT and computer packages. These will also expose you to the world of technology.

Here are some of the best short courses to do in Kenya immediately after form four(KCSE)

  1. Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills (CAMS) Level I and II.
  2. Diploma Programmes
  3. Accounting Technicians Diploma (ATD) Levels I, II and III.
  4. Diploma in Information Communication Technology (DICT) Levels I, II and III.
  5. Diploma in Credit Management (DCM) Levels I, II and III.Professional Examination
  6. Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Parts I, II and III.
  7. Certified Secretaries (CS) Parts I, II and III.
  8. Certified Investment and Financial Analyst (CIFA) Parts I, II and III.
  9. Certified Information Communication Technology (CICT) Parts I, II and III.
  10. Certified Credit Professionals (CCP) Parts I, II and III.
  11. Certificate in Computer Packages
  12. Certified Human Resource Associate or Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP). It’s the third most marketable short and best paying certificate course in Kenya in 2022.
  13. Certified Information Communication Technology, CICT.
  14. Actuarial professional courses.
  15. Certificate in Project Management.
  16. Procurement Professional short courses in Kenya like Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS).
  17. Certified Information Systems Auditor, CISA.
  18. Certificate in electrical installations and repair,
  19. Certificate in Information Technology,  And finally,
  20. Mobile App Development short courses in Kenya.
  21. Certificate in Mobile phone repair
  22. Certificate in Mechanical Engineering
  23. Certificate in artificial insemination
  24. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
  25. Certificate in film and video production
  26. Certificate in IT
  27. Statistical packages such as SPSS,Stata and R
  28. Most of the certificate courses mentioned above
  29. Certificate in monitoring & Evaluation
  30. Certificate in automobile engineering