African countries with men with longest and shortest penis


If you are looking for men with longest penis in Africa, there are specific countries to go. Below is a list of countries with tallest and shortest penises.

African countries with men with tallest and longest penis

  1. South Sudan
  2. Cameroon
  3. Nigeria
  4. Mali
  5. Zimbabwe
  6. Somali
  7. Rwanda
  8. Gabon
  9. Borkina Faso
  10. Togo
  11. Congo
  12. Ghana
  13. Senegal

African countries with men with shortest penis

  • Kenya
  • Uganda
  • Tanzania
  • Burundi
  • Morocco
  • Switzerland
  • Cape Verde
  • Liberia
  • Botswana
  • Zambia
  • South Africa

More than 80% of the Kenyan men have small, tiny and weak penis. Cameroon and South Sudan have men with longest and strongest penises.

Tanzania is also another country with men with small penis