Pay Ksh 200 only to receive accurate predictions for Sportpesa Midweek jackpot today. We are sending a total of 4 versions of the analyzed jackpot to each member. We also believe that over 2,000 members will earn bonuses through our tips.
To subscribe and receive the tips, pay Ksh 200 only by following these steps:
- Go to MPESA
- Select Lipa Na MPESA
- Select Buy Goods and Services
- Enter MPESA till number (705909)
- Enter amount (Ksh200)
- Enter your MPESA Pin and Send
The tips will be sent until 7.30pm at night via SMS.
If you also want predictions for Sportpesa Mega Jackpot for this weekend, pay Ksh 250 only. This amount will cater for tips for 1 week.
The Midweek jackpot amount is Ksh 12.2 million