To be quoted in the Nairobi Securities Exchange is every Company’s dream but conditions must be met.Once a company is quoted and it’s shares are trading the profile and status changes.The happiest of all apart from the share holders are the senior managers.
One of the reasons why they smile is the pay that accompanies the obvious new status.Below we present what some of the executives in these top companies earned last financial year:
KCB Executives(Mr Oigara , Charles Langat and Joseph Kania)-Sh 155.5M
I&M Holdings(Arun Mathur,Sarit Shah)-Sh 38.6M
Safaricom-Sh 211.7M
Equity Bank(Mr Mwangi, John Staley, , Hellen Gichohi)-Sh440M
Standard Chartered Bank (Mr Manjang, Chemutai Murgor and Robin Bairstow) -Sh 154.2M
East African Breweries(Charles Ireland (CEO) and Tracey Barnes)-Sh 247.4M
Diamond Trust Bank(Nasim Devj)-Sh 79.8M
Barclays Bank(Mr.Awori,Yusuf Omari)-Sh 95M
Bamburi (3 Executives)-Sh103M
CFC Stanbic (Kitili Mbathi and Greg Brackenridge)-Sh 80.5M