Evans Kidero hired Grass



Shocking video has emerged showing the contractor and workers who were working on Kidaro grass uprooting and transporting it to undisclosed area.

The workers who started uprooting it at night were found at dawn loading the grass to the vehicle as it is transported to where only Kidero knows.

Kidero had nowhere to hide when it dawned on him that the grass could not grow  before Obama tours Kenya.It got to a point where President Uhuru Kenyatta satirically encouraged him that it will finally grow.

Following the video that is circulating in social media, Kidero finally came out to defend himself with this statement:

“Please take note that NO ONE is uprooting ‪#‎KideroGrass‬. The appointed contractor is restoring the ground in order to do proper planting. #KideroGrass is well on course, the quality of grass selected takes time to grow!”


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