How Kenyans Generously Contributed Ksh.6 million for Jadudi in just a single day


A Story was highlighted by blogger Bikozulu to help Emmanuel Otieno Jadudi, a 23-year-old student at University of Nairobi who needed the money to travel to India for a fourth brain surgery by Saturday, August 8, 2015.

The target was one million Kenya Shillings but the campaign surpassed the target and a total of Ksh.6 million was raised within 24 hours.

Bikozulu highlighted Jadudi’s plight in an emotive piece on his blog titled ‘This Thing In Jadudi’s Head’ while Nyongo mobilised Kenyans On Twitter – ‪#‎KOT‬- through the #1MilliForJadudi tag.

28 hours later, total amount collected for the cause was more than they expected.

“As of 9am this morning (August 6) you guys had raised a little over KSh 6million, actually 6,111,638 Kenyan money. I will repeat, 6,111,338!! It’s surreal
I saw the statements, running into over 180 pages. Kenyans in their thousands sending 130 bobs and 1,000 bobs and 500 bobs and 200 bobs. Kenyans making a bold statement putting their Mpesa where their hearts were at,” Bizokulu states in his blog.

The student contacted the blogger and Zawadi Nyongo about his plight and through the blogger a campaign was launched. Kenyans contributed generously and within no time the limit was exceeded; Zawadi Nyongo had to end the campaign even when others were still contributing.

Though the campaign was closed,Zawadi urged those who are willing to contribute to channel their cash to Africa Cancer Foundation to help other cancer patients.


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