Shock as 75,000 job seekers, including university graduates, apply for fetching tea jobs in India



More than 75,000 job seekers applied for fetching tea jobs that were advertised online in India.

The government had vacancies for 30 “peon” or servant jobs whose duties include fetching tea for 14,000 rupees ($220) a month in wages. The applications overwhelmed the Chhattisgarh state government’s directorate of economics and statistics until they decided to cancel the recruitment exercise.

“This is surreal,” Panda informed AFP on Tuesday, adding that the entire process was being reexamined.

“We had made arrangements for 2,000 to 3,000 aspirants,” he said

Unemployment is so rampant in India to a point where even a Masters Degree holder opts to go for menial jobs instead of staying jobless.

In most cases graduates prefer government jobs, even the lowest ones, because they gain recognition in society since they are extremely secure compared to those in private sector.


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