NGO offers Kenyans 20,000 Jobs at Kasarani


Over 200,000 job seekers flocked to Kasarani Stadium on Sunday to be offered jobs by a local NGO which is promising them heaven.

The job seekers arrived at the stadium as early as 5. am to receive letters of appointments from the NGO referred to as East Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Safe Promotion Foundation-International.

The NGO’s CEO Julius Kithome said that Kenya will experience a revolution during the programme’s first year in terms of economic and social empowerment of her people.

No government official or politician was present at the launch that saw the initial 20,000 people offered appointment letters

The NGO (EASSASP) has been accused of trying to con Kenyans, even the Government has distanced itself despite the senior managers at the institution stating that they are working with the Ministry of Devolution.

It’s believed that in order to be offered a job you have to part with Ksh 1, 000, which is against the Kenyan Labour Laws.


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