Best Business to Start with Small Capital in India


1. Day Care Centre
The world is changing and more people have resorted to working thus leaving no one at home to take care of their kids. House girls are not reliable anymore and in most cases people prefer day care than house girls because they are cheap.

This kind of business requires very little capital as you are only required to have a small room ,some few desks and employ someone to help you run the business, you can as well take your relative to help you run it.

2. Tuition classes
As students close for holidays, some of them are so weak in class that their parents become so desperate to seek the services of trained teachers to help sharpen their children.

If you have sufficient skills and experience, many parents will send their children to you and you can decide the amount you charge at will.

3. Photography
Are you good in taking photographs? Then what are you waiting for! This is a good opportunity which has presented itself, please grab it.

As a professional photographer, you will be contracted to take photos in special occasions such as birthday celebrations, graduation ceremonies, weddings, church services and funeral services.

The capital needed is so small that we can’t mention it here.You can buy a camera or start the business with your phone.

4. Fast Food Restaurant
I was shocked recently when a young lady told me that she no longer cooks because of a fast food joint which is next to their house. When I asked how her husband survives, she told me on the face that it was the husband’s idea that they eat at the joint and go direct to bed.

There are a number of ladies who choose to eat at fast food joints instead of wasting time cooking. As a business person, you should identify this opportunity and plan to start the same.

You can either cook in the open or seek a room for the business.

5. Boutique
People must wear clothes, where will they get them if not from you!

A boutique is one of the most profitable businesses in India and it requires small capital to start.

The good thing with this kind of business it that you can operate it in a room or move around selling to people: It also requires little capital to operate

What is needed from you is to identify people’s taste and the person or firm to supply you with the clothes.

6. Ice-cream Shop
To start ice cream shop you need a fridge, a room and where to buy ice cream from .Sometimes you don’t need a room since you can move around selling to pedestrians.

Starting ice-cream business is extremely easy for someone who is business oriented.

7. Blogging
Blogging is one of the emerging careers in the world. It has employed millions of people, directly and indirectly.

Some of the biggest blogs were started with very little money but they generate millions monthly.

To start blogging requires a website and internet.


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