As you grow up ,you start realizing that your teeth are not as white as you expect them to be, this is perhaps caused by smoking, minerals or lack of brushing.
When the problem persists, you end up becoming desperate; sometimes you lose your self-esteem where even smiling becomes a huge task.
If you have brown teeth, don’t worry; follow the following steps to realize your dreams.
You will need:
Lemon juice from half an organic lemon
1/4 cup of baking soda
o Squeeze the lemon juice into the baking soda.
o Then mix will bubble a bit. Allow it to sit.
o Dip a cotton ball into the baking soda mix and apply to your teeth.
o Let the mix stand on your teeth for about a minute.
o Brush your teeth as you normally would to remove the acid. If you let it sit indefinitely, it’ll start to erode your teeth