Best Business to Start in Kiambu


Kiambu is the closest county to Nairobi and the fastest growing counties in the country.Kiambu town, which is in Kiambu County, predominantly occupied by Kikuyu community with a few other tribes who work in various institutions within the town.

If you intend to open a business in Kiambu town and make maximum profits then consider opening any of the following businesses
1. Rental Property
2. Car Hire Business
3. Poultry farming
4. A School
5. Car Wash
6. Electronic Shop
7. Motorcycle Spare Parts Business
8. Hardware
9. Real Estate Consultant Firm (agent)
10. Fast Food Restaurant
11. Pub
12. Courier Services

The businesses we have listed above were found to be the most profitable in Kiambu town. For instance, Opening a Motorcycle spare parts business will be a wise idea considering the big number of motorcycles in all towns of Kiambu County.

There is also construction going on throughout the county, this will demand hardwires to supply them with building materials. The fact that many people who work in Nairobi have decided to live in Kiambu because of cheap rent is a reason enough to start operating a Real Estate consultant farm to manage several houses within the town whose owners are not available to collect rent and manage their properties.

A car was is also one of the lucrative businesses in the country. Wherever you set up the business, you’ll be assured of good profits.

Another exciting business to try is poultry farming. I am always tempted to try rearing chicken because I have seen how farmers make millions through the business.Kiambu is the right place to do poultry farming since it’s close to Nairobi, where you could be supplying your eggs and chicken.

The secret of starting electronics shop in Kiambu is to know a reliable supplier in Nairobi. Just take a tour to Nairobi Luthuli Avenue Nairobi and I assure you that suppliers are there in numbers. Then know the taste of youths in the county.


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