Best Business to Start in Kisii Town


There are over 50 business ventures you can start and run in Kisii with good returns.Since the town is located at the heart of Western Kenya,it draws huge population mainly from Bomet,Luo Nyanza and Luhya.

The town has several millionaires whose main source of income is running businesses.Due to the large number of people in the town,Kisii is ranked among the best towns to start business in Kenya.

It is situated in Western parts of Kenya and it’s one of the most populous towns in the country.

The town has grown tremendously over the past five years, becoming one of the fastest growing towns in the great republic of Kenya. The population is predominantly Kisiis with a significant number of Kikuyu, Luhya, Somali and Luo communities.

The town is congested and the second busiest towns in Kenya after Nairobi City. It supplies almost the entire country with food stuffs, thus making it the fourth most visited towns in the country.

The following are the most suitable business to start in Kisii town:

The population that visit Kisii town is huge, and all these people don’t just idle in town but conduct several transactions.MPESA shop will not be a bad idea even if the town has several of such.

You can own more than one MPESA shop within the town since every street is busy, thus diversifying source of revenue.

2. Bodaboda/Motorcycle Spare Parts Shop
The number of Boda Boda in Kisii town is almost equal to the number of people in the town. They have made the town so congested that even the Governor James Ongwae is looking for ways of decongesting the town.

As an entrepreneur, you are only interested in business and not what will happen with the boda boda operators.If you open a Motorcycle business in the town; you could smile all the way to the bank.

3. Hotel/Restaurant
Very few hotels dominate the town despite the financial prowess the town boasts of. Since Kisiis don’t discriminate in terms of tribe when purchasing goods, this is the most ideal place for any tribe to put up a business.

Hotel is ideal because the town is very busy with several Kisii University students roaming freely within the town all day long.

4. Bar
If you want to know that a town is growing just move around to see how many pubs exist with guest houses.houses. Kisii is one of those towns where resident love having good times after work.

Also, since many people travel from various parts of the country to buy food stuffs like sugar cane, bananas and maize, guest houses will greatly increase chances of your pub making a kill.

5. Rental Houses
Kisii Town seriously lack good rental houses. People end up living in places like Keumbu due to lack of houses to rent in the town. If you have money, then build rental houses and you won’t regret.

6. Car Wash
The number of vehicles in the town is growing each day thus stretching the few car washes in town beyond limit. Having a car wash business in mind won’t be a bad idea.

One of the advantages of owning a Car wash is that water is in plenty and rain is the order of the day.


Farming is the main economic activity of the Kisii people.The place is extremely fertile due to frequent rains,making it possible for farming to thrive.

This is one area where one can specialize and become a millionaire.



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