Popular gospel artiste Emmy Kosgey is a restless woman, pray for her.
On Sunday, her husband Pastor Anselm Madubuko confessed in his church that he has been secretly cheating on her beautiful wife, not once but several times.Acoording to the Pastor, when Emmy visited Kenya; he got a golden opportunity to cheat with Kikelomo Akinkunmi, ex-wife of music producer, K-Solo.
‘Madubuko came on the pulpit on Sunday to confess that he has dated Kike for three months. He said she came to him as a prayer warrior and he didn’t suspect foul play till it was too late’, NET reported
During his confession, the Pastor blamed Satan for his intentions to break his blessed marriage. He knelt before Emmy, who was standing there confused while crying uncontrollably, and begged for forgiveness.
When contacted, Kike claimed that the Pastor approached her when she was ‘thirst’ and had no money. She gave in.
The petite girl separated with her producer hubby Kikelomo early last year and she has been roaming freely.
Emmy is now living in a foreign land, dejected and pondering on the next move. Sources indicate that divorce is an option.