USIU Kenya Fees Structure



  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
  • Doctorate
Undergraduate Per Semester ** *Kshs
Tuition (12 units @ 7,250) 87,000
Library Fee 5,000
Medical Fee 1,900
Student Activity Fee 500
Undergraduate – Pharmacy Per Semester ** *Kshs
Tuition (23 units @ 5,150) 118,450
Library Fee 5,000
Medical Fee 1,900
Student Activity Fee 500
Pharmacy Lab Fee 10,150
Room & Board (Double) Per Semester  
Room Only 26,460
Room Only Effective January 2016 30,000
7 Day Meal plan @ 470 per day 46,060
Medical Fee (Health Insurance) for Boarding Students and International Students 8,000


Caution Money (Refundable & payable once)  
Boarding Students 4,550
Day Students 2,000


Other Fees  
Add/ Drop Fee per course 500
Admission Application Fee (Non-Refundable) 3,000
Re-admission Application Fee 3,000
Late Registration Fee 2,000
Alumni Association Fee (Annual) 1,000
Audit Fee (per course) 50% of Tuition
Computer Lab & IT Fee 3,200
Graduation Fee 5,000
Hotel & Restaurant Management Lab Fee 4,500
ID Card Replacement 1,500
Journalism Lab Fee 4,500
Pupil’s Pass Fee (Non-East Africans Only) 5,000
Re-Entry Visa Fee 1,000
Alien Registration Fee 2,000
Transcript Fees: Official 500
Unofficial 250
Transcript Postage Fees: Africa 400
Outside Africa 800

*Non-East Africans will pay 25% above local rates for tuition and all mandatory charges i.e. tuition, Library,Medical and student activity fees.

** Fees are subject to an annual review.

*** Project / Thesis: Graduate students are required to be continuously enrolled during every semester while their thesis / Project remains incomplete.

In the first semester, the project/thesis is charged as a full three (3) unit graduate course, while the two (2)subsequent terms are charged at 50% of the tuition. Other charges remain the same.

If the project / thesis extends beyond the third term, then tuition reverts to full charge.

If you are paying in US$ note that: USD Exchange Rates are fixed every semester for non-east Africans, while the rate varies daily for East Africans

Disclaimer: USIU reserves the right to modify entries in this publication. Any policy, if changed, may be republished in an appendix or distributed to all students and relevant parties.

If you are paying in US$ note that:USD Exchange Rate will vary based on semester rate in the system and are Subject to change every semester.


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