The fight between Blogger Robert Alai and Caroline Mutoko has reached an alarming level.It all started when Mutoko called Alai a Raila sycophant,which prompted Alai to respond with the following words:
“These insults and personal attacks devoid of facts, figures and evidence are what earned CAROLINE Mutoko a board appointment. When someone goes ad hominem, it’s when they are running low of facts to present an intellectual argument.
But let’s be fair, CAROLINE Mutoko has never been known to be factual and realistic. She thrives on shallow penetration and below the belt operation. Don’t ask me to expound. That’s why despite regular penetration by P akia ang’oa, she couldn’t give birth and had to steal a baby from an hospital.
CAROLINE Mutoko, there are Harvard level arguments. You can go to restaurants near Harvard and engage in all manner of p@rn watching but people will always know that you didn’t get into Harvard when you still present such arguments to deliver points.
What has Caroline Mutoko created? You survived at and only at Radio Africa because PQ could only settle for the pathetic you. I see no hope a better Kenyan media when people can’t trust their brains. Caroline Mutoko, I am happily a Raila sycophant. Die bitch!! Die!!”
This will surely put someone behind bars for some days.