Sam Nyamweya Arrested for Disappointing Kenyans


sam nyamweya

FKF Chairman Sam Nyamweya has been arrested for sleeping on his job.

Nyamweya was arrested on Tuesday morning by Flying Squad members who stormed his house and threw him out like a wanted man.They later took him to Nairobi Police Station to explain why Harambee Stars didn’t travel to Cape Verde as planned yet money has been poured to the body.

On Monday, national team Harambee Stars were slated to depart for Cape Verde at 10 am but FKF delayed the players’ allowances, which prompted the players to refuse to travel until they were sorted out. They however travelled 8 hours later and are slated to play their match today.

It’s a shame for Nyamweya to disappoint a whole country when Kenyans have paid taxes to do what the money ought to do.

FKF is slated to hold elections later this year, it’s high time the country decides the direction football in Kenya should take by choosing the right people to lead the body.


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