Passing Kasneb exams is a tough task,especially for individuals pursuing CIFA and CPA.It requires dedication and determination.To be a CPA finalist needs at least 2 years, but many candidates fail until they give up.In order to pass you must have reading materials and also cover the syllabus as per the Kasneb guidelines.
Below is what you are required t do in order to pass Kasneb exams.
1. Start studying early
Most exams require students to start preparing early, KASNEB is not an exception.
Make sure you begin revising for the papers as early as three months to exams and you will be assured of success.
Avoid 11th hour rush since chances of failing are high.
2. Look for past papers
Past papers are very important in any examination, be it professional or school based. In KASNEB past papers,you will get a hint on the type of questions you expect to get in exams.
In most cases, the kind of questions that KASNEB papers bear are almost related, they only change the figures and perhaps the wording.
3. Enroll in a credible college
Some colleges have specialized in training CPA and CIFA candidates and in most cases, the lectures in these colleges are the same people that set the KASNEB examinations.They have gained massive experience to the point of being the authority in the sector.
Some of the best colleges in Kenya are Star College of Management,Orbit School of Management Studies, Vision Institute of Professionals, Strathmore University and KCA University.
Once you enroll in these colleges, you will be sure of receiving the best education that will enable you pass the papers.
4. Follow the reading list
Usually KASNEB provide their candidates with a reading list. This list is very useful because it guides you on the kind of books to read in order to pass the exams.
5. Ensure you answer the required Examination questions
Some papers require that you answer all the questions; even if you don’t have a clue on a certain question make sure you don’t leave it blank, if you do you’ll automatically fail.
6. Form Group Discussions
Group discussions are important especially for those who don’t have enough time to prepare. Once you are in a group, you will at least learn something new when you are discussing.
Know one knows everything,that’s why group discussions are encouraged.Eventually,you’ll realize that people know at least few things that you weren’t aware of.