Best Business to start in Kenya



Kenya has favourable conditions for business. It is one of the countries in the world where starting business is extremely easy.

You often see people doing business but what they go through is a lot. But there is a small group which enjoys what they do and make huge profits from their businesses. This is the group we wish to discuss here.What business do they do? What are the profits? Where do they do the business? Why do they succeed?

The best business whose starting capital is not out of reach for ordinary entrepreneurs, it should also generate good profits besides not being hard to manage.

The following are the best businesses to do in Kenya

Car hire business

You have two cars but you don’t know how to make use of them to acquire wealth. Car hire is the best business you could engage in in towns like Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu and Nakuru.

There is a trend in major towns where young professionals are seeking cars through car hire to take them to work places. A single car could give you Sh 3,000 per day.


This is another business which is doing extremely well in Kenya. A chemist in Nairobi could give you at least Ksh 3,000 a day. It is more profitable when it’s set up in shopping malls, westlands, Nairobi CBD, Mombasa town and Kisumu.


This one is not debatable because success stories emanating from restaurant business are numerous. But you should be careful where to set up the business and which clients to target.

Restaurants which double as coffee shops are more profitable in Nairobi and Mombasa.If you have huge capital, you can start a coffee shop, fast food restaurant and a general hotel in one roof; this will work wonders.

Motorcycle/motor vehicle spare parts business

Boda boda industry has created jobs for millions of Kenyans. We have established that the demand for motor cycle spare parts is soaring. The few shops available cannot satisfy the demand for spare parts.

Motor vehicle spare parts business has also remains the best business to do in major towns. The demand for spare parts for Cars like Toyota, Mercedes, Isuzu and Nissan are on the rise because of the high number of Kenyans buying Japan used cars.

Electronic shop

This is the era of smartphones, tablets and laptops. Online shops like Jimia, eBay and China buy are making a kill from their businesses.

You can start your business from a physical location or simply have an online shop like Jumia.

A garage

This one is rare; I don’t know why those with capital don’t think of starting this business. I have seen with my own eyes my friend making Ksh 50,000 per day from his garage in Nairobi.

Car wash

Car wash is equally very profitable, especially in Nairobi and Mombasa where the number of personal cars are many.

In Nairobi, you require Sh150, 000-Sh 500,000 to start the business, but I assure you the money would be recovered within 2 months.

A school

If you manage to live in Nairobi, you must have noticed how parents struggle to look for schools where their children could school.

The demand for education has shot up since President Kibaki liberalized education in Kenya. Anywhere you start a school in Nairobi, Mombasa and Nakuru will automatically translate to money.

A kindergarten, Pre unit and primary school are the most ideal for towns.

Poultry farming

If you have a small land where you could keep some chicken, then start thinking about the idea from today. You won’t hear entrepreneurs who rear chicken for business complain about losses except when their broilers and layers are faced with normal diseases.


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