Shocking facts about Kisii women


kisii women

Little is known about Kisii women, who are apparently among the most reserved women in Kenya, perhaps competing with Ugandan women.

I guess you wish to know one or two things about Kisii women. Today you are at the right place.

Kisii community come from western parts of Kenya, neighbouring the Kalenjin,Maasai and the Luo communities.They are considered among the most enterprise communities in the country, second to the Kikuyu community.However,there are some traits which negate the positives the community bear.

Who exactly is a Kisii woman?

They are wife materials

Majority of Kisii women love their families. They sacrifice a lot to make their husbands and children happy and even if a man cheats on him forever, she will resist temptations to leave the man.

Marrying a Kisii woman is a blessing to any man.

They are good cooks

Kisii is a land of plenty, which every community wish they had a portion in the most fertile land in Kenya. People from that region like eating, which makes women perfect in the art of cooking.

A meal prepared by Kisii women is very sweet.

They gossip a lot

This is a trait which every Kisii woman is born with. These women like talking and talking; a second will not pass without her opening the mount to say a word or two.

They are not so good in bed

Kisii women are considered average when it comes to bedroom matters. To make matters worse, majority have gone through FGM, which reduces the taste.

50 % are not beautiful

Though a number of these women are above average in matters to do with beauty, several of them don’t bear appealing figure.

Once a Kisii woman gets married, she will forget about her body. Eventually, you will have a 150 Kg woman in your house.

Majority are faithful and submissive

Kenya has changed to a point where women don’t respect their husbands any more, but a Kisii woman, whether employed or not ,respects and adores her husband a lot. This woman will always defend and protect her husband no matter the circumstances.



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