A Brazilian Judge has lifted a ban on WhatsApp 24 hours after another Judge ordered the free messaging service to be blocked in Brazil for 48 hours.
The blocking of the Facebook Inc.’s WhatsApp brought panic among millions of Brazilians who depend on the free messaging services to communicate with their loved ones.Presure mounted on the judges to reverse the decision to allow the service resume.
Confirming the unblocking of WhatApp, Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg apologized on his Facebook Page and assured Brazilians that everything will be okay.
“WhatsApp is now back online in Brazil! Your voices have been heard and the block has been lifted. Thank you to our community for helping resolve this!
WhatsApp está de volta no Brasil! Suas vozes foram ouvidas e o bloqueio foi suspenso. Obrigado à nossa comunidade pela ajuda para resolver isso!”, said Zuckerberg