Uhuru You Intend To Steal 2017 Elections-Raila



Opposition leader Raila Odinga has accused Uhuru Kenyatta of planning to steal the presidency again.

Speaking during state of the nation address,Raila said the Jubilee administration inherited a stable country but he has done nothing to uplift the lives of Kenyans.

“Before our eyes as Kenyans the Jubilee regime has brought down the House called Kenya that it inherited intact in 2013.

Jubilee came into office on the back of Kenyans ‘believing’ its many promises: three years later the free laptops for primary school entrants remains a pipe dream; the stadiums in the Counties remain unbuilt; the 5,000MW of electricity a cynical ploy; the promise to fight corruption one of the worst jokes ever visited on an expectant population”, said Raila

The Opposition leader further accused the government of trying to bring back the dictatorial regime through weakening constitution bodies. He emphasized on the judicial system and the police, which the President is seeking more powers to manipulate them.

The former Prime Minister said:

“Jubilee has also embarked on a systematic rolling back of the gains made over the years and is trying to recreate the old Kanu states to create the old imperial presidency with scary dictatorial powers.

In terms of rights and basic freedoms; political bribery; authoritarianism and the exploitation of ethnic differences for political gain, Kenya today feels like the Kenya of 1991. Jubilee has managed to take Kenya through its most significant political, economic and social regression since the early 1980s when the KANU government implemented a series of measures that turned the country into a one-party kleptocracy with a stagnating economy and political oppression on an unprecedented scale”.

He heavily accused Uhuru and Ruto of trying to bribe opposition leaders to join the government, saying that’s one way of planning to rig elections.

“This is the most corrupt administration in our history— and that is no mean feat. They have borrowed billions which they have squandered and stolen. On the Eurobond alone, which they are unable to account for, we have already paid over Ksh. 25 billion shillings interest, yet they are unable show a single project that the money went into.

The only thing it is capable of and is doing now is to set up the machinery for stealing elections. We are where Nigeria was just before elections last year. Just like Goodluck Jonathan’s government in Nigeria could not trace the abducted girls, Jubilee cannot trace billions of our lost money”, he concluded.



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