Best Courses To Do in Kenya in 2016 To Easily Get a Job after Graduation



Getting a job in Kenya is becoming increasingly difficult for any job seeker. Even if you have accumulated several degrees, you are not guaranteed a job. What will help you secure a job in any company in Kenya is the type of course you pursue and who you know in the society.

I have seen a number of young Kenyans rushing to study courses just because they saw others pursuing them. Such a move will not take you anywhere. It is better to study the job market first before you decide on which courses to pursue.

Based on the current job market in Kenya, the following are the best course to study in 2016

Bachelor of Commerce plus CPA/CFA/ACCA/CIFA

Bachelor of Commerce remains one of the most marketable courses in Kenya. But before you decide to enroll for the business course ensure you also enroll for a professional course.

Currently CFA, ACCA and CIFA are the most marketable professional courses in the country but if you are academically gifted you better enroll for CFA because it will guarantee you a job.

CPA on the other hand is so flooded that even academic dwarfs possess the certificate. If I were you, I could go for ACCA instead of CPA.

Medicine and Surgery of Pharmacy

These are the courses you should consider pursuing before you decide on pursuing any course. There is no time medicine will cease to be marketable in the country as long as people continue getting sick.

We won’t debate much on this because you all understand how the doctors are renumerated and respected as well in Kenya.

Real Estate

This is a very new course in Kenya which is offered at the University of Nairobi. Real estate has emerged as among the best courses to study in Kenya especially those who wish to work in the real estate, insurance and financial sectors

Statistics/Actuarial Science

I have combined the two courses because they are highly related. Though Actuarial Science takes more years to complete degree courses and Actuarial professional courses, securing a job is always very easy.

Actuarial jobs are well paying and they don’t necessarily require a lot of work experience. In Kenya, a qualified Actuary’s starting salary is above Ksh300, 000.

Statisticians are also renumerated well and their work is more enjoyable that that of an Actuary.It is also easy to become Data Analyst.

Journalism and Mass Communication

The online media is growing exponentially. Companies are recruiting qualified journalists to write content as well as work for their stations.

Journalism has a future in Kenya. So if you are talented, better join now.

Other exciting courses to pursue include:

  • Architecture
  • Software Engineering
  • Nursing
  • Procurement and Logistics
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Bachelor of Business Information Technology
  • Law
  • Epidemiology
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Project Management
  • Graphic Design
  • Gis and Remote Sensing
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Quantity Survey
  • Early Childhood Development
  • Criminology and Forensic Science
  • Piloting and Aviation
  • Oil and Gas Engineering



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