Prezzo Makes Denis Okari Furious as He Flirts With Betty Kyalo



Betty Kyalo hosted CMB Prezzo on Friday 9 during the guest presenter show on KTN.Prezzo gave Betty hard time during the interview as he openly stated he admired a married woman, Betty.

It was also evident he was extremely drunk as he evaded most of the questions, especially concerning his current relationship status. The answers he gave demonstrated there was no clear co-ordination between his brain and the mouth. At one point he stated he is dating Beyoncé, which is a dream.

Betty was extremely irritated when Prezzo almost mentioned he is dating her. The cameraman was also intelligent enough to move the camera away from the two when Prezzo started touching where Betty was uncomfortable with.

The King of rap was not quick to reveal his illiteracy level as he avoided reading news as instructed by Betty.

Prezzo dropped out of school when money became too much and the world was more interesting than class. He knew he could be a talk of town if he dared read the script live on air. He was quick to defend himself that he is short sighted.

It was a night Betty would like to forget as quickly as today.



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