Is CORD Preparing Their Supporters For a Loss in 2017?



Where there is white smoke there is fire. According to Parliament Majority leader Aden Duale, Raila Odinga and his CORD supporters have sensed defeat, that’s why they are moving here and there like headless chickens claiming that Jubilee wants to rig elections.

Duale clarified on Monday 11, 2016 that the IEBC CORD wants to be replaced was put in the office by none other than the Opposition Leader Raila Odinga.Duale added that IEBC is there to stay and no amount of noise will force them out of office.

Raila has always stated he might bow out of the 2017 general elections if Jubilee does not replace the current IEBC commissioners.Raila believes the current commissioners cannot be trusted. He believes a new commission will be free and fair as opposed to Isaack Hassan’s commission which ‘favoured’ Jubilee in 2013.

Analysts say Raila is clearly preparing his supporters in case of a loss in 2017.He has disappointed them more than twice and since he has only one shot at hand, he is determined to capture presidency at all costs.

Raila believes Ruto and IEBC are the only stumbling blocks in his journey to presidency. That’s the reason he is keen to weaken Ruto at his backyard and also push for replacement of the current IEBC commissioners.

The CORD leader and supporters are restless at the moment after Jubilee started campaigning at their strongholds.

Since Uhuru’s supporters are intact while Jubilee is gaining support in regions perceived to be CORD strongholds, any slightest mistake from the CORD side will make Raila a perennial loses in 2017.



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