Marketable Arts and Business Courses in Kenya



Arts courses are somehow easier to study and the best for students with low grades in Mathematics and sciences.

Given the current job market in Kenya, it is appropriate for an individual to be careful on which course to study in order to be marketable. Some of the courses are not ideal for anyone with ambitions of succeeding in the corporate world. Example is Bachelor of Arts general which is the worst course to study in Kenya and in entire East Africa.

Jobs are becoming scarce by the day as more graduates join the job market. It is therefore not easier to get a nice job unless you have pursued the best course.

Based on the current employment dynamics in the country, the following are the best arts courses to study in Kenya.

  1. Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media and Communication
  2. Bachelor of Business Management
  3. Bachelor of Business Administration
  4. Bachelor of Arts in Economics
  5. Bachelor of Real Estate
  6. Bachelor of Commerce
  7. Bachelor of Economics and Finance
  8. Bachelor of Accounting
  9. Bachelor of Science in Communication and Journalism
  10. Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management
  11. Bachelor of Science in Strategic Management
  12. Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
  13. Bachelor of Science in Project Planning and Management
  14. Bachelor of Hotel and Hospitality Management
  15. Bachelor of Arts in Language and Literary Studies (Linguistics)
  16. Bachelor Of Criminology And Criminal Justice
  17. Bachelor Of Arts (broadcast Production)
  18. Bachelor of Business Information Technology


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