When it comes to being good in bed, not a lot of guys know what to do the right way. This is why 100 women, ages 19 to 50, reveal what actually makes a man good s€x partner.
So learn how to make love like a champ and have a very happy life (that will hopefully lead to a happy wife)
Engage in foreplay. A whopping 86 percent of women said it’s very important that man engaged in foreplay. So stop skipping this step!
“Go down on us.” You guys do it infrequently. Which is unfortunate, because women actually want you to: 82 percent of respondents said it’s very important.
Be in good physical shape. 90 percent of women said it’s very important that you have enough stamina and energy to not get tired too easily in bed.
But “good physical shape” doesn’t mean that you need to have a six-pack. It just means you don’t have to get up for a water break every five minutes. It is not s€xy.
Take control and spice things up. Women want men to dominate them and keep the experience interesting: 96 percent of women said it’s very important that you take control in bed, and 86 percent of women said it’s very important that you have s€x in positions that aren’t missionary.
Be careful with dirty talk. Over a half of women (53 percent) said it’s not important. So maybe err on the side of caution and don’t say dirty things.
Make your woman an org@sm. 73 percent of respondents said it’s very important that men make them org@sms. But know when to stop trying if an org@sm is just not going to happen.
Cuddle after. A few women in their open-ended responses said that the “post-s€x interaction” is vital. Cliché, yes, but true.
Listen to feedback. 84 percent of women said it’s very important that you adjust your actions according to women’s feedback, whether that feedback is verbal or non-verbal (via our physical responses or our body language).