Kisii is among the most enterprising communities in Kenya. Apart from being vocal in politics they are also not left behind in terms of business. Most of their wealth is drawn from agriculture and business.
We have three names of Kisiis who call the shots when it comes to wealth. Their wealth is distributed everywhere-in real estate, Nairobi Securities Exchange, hyper stores, banking and insurance.
We have three names of Kisii men whose wealth can match that of the likes of Chris Kirubi and Raila Odinga.
Below is a list of wealthiest Kisiis alive
- Simeon Nyachae
- Sam Ongeri
- Ken Mogaka
Simeon Nyachae has always been listed by Forbes as one of the richest people in Kenya. He owns Kabansora, Credit Bank and many other assets.
Sam Ongeri on the other hand is very rich. He is one of the largest shareholders of National Bank. He also has interests in real estate and agriculture.
Ken Mogaka is little known-I believe it’s because he is not a politician. This man owns Ouru Super Stores and several assets in Kisii.He is among the wealthiest Kisiis alive.