List of Colleges and Universities Offering ECDE in Kenya


ECDE are among the most marketable courses in Kenya.The list below shows colleges and universities offering ECDE in Kenya

  1. MIT Teachers Training College, Machakos
  2. Memon College, Mombasa
  3. International Teaching and Training Center, Kitengela
  4. Embu College, Embu
  5. Kivuli College, Wangige
  6. Riccatti Business College, Nairobi
  7. Bumbe Technical Training Institute, Busia
  8. Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology RVIST, Nakuru
  9. Kirinyaga University College, Kerugoya
  10. Mount Kenya University School of Education, Thika
  11. University of Nairobi, Kikuyu Campus, Kikuyu
  12. Kirinyaga University College, Kerugoya
  13. Kericho School of Professional Studies, Kericho
  14. Kentrac College, Nairobi
  15. Kanaan International College, Kisumu
  16. Andrew East Africa School of Management, Wundanyi
  17. The Golden Gate College (GCC), Mosoriot
  18. AIC Eldoret Training College, Eldoret
  19. Eastern Kenya Integrated College, Mitaboni
  20. Community Concern Training Institute, Nairobi
  21. The Cambridge Institute of Management, Kayole
  22. Bondo Institute of Professional Studies and Technology , Bondo
  23. Superhighway Training Centre, Thika
  24. Nakuru College of Health Sciences & Management, Nakuru
  25. Kitale Cedar ECDE Teacher Training College, Kitale
  26. Kibabii Diploma Teachers’ Training College, Bungoma
  27. Kipsigis Teachers’ Training College, Litein
  28. Kaimosi Teachers Training College, Kaimosi
  29. Eregi Teachers Training College, Maragoli
  30. Blescohouse Teachers Training College, Nakuru
  31. Nabongo Teachers Training College, Bungoma
  32. Kisauni Youth Polytechnic, Mombasa
  33. Islamic Teachers’ Training College Mombasa, Mombasa
  34. Tusome Centre, Nairobi
  35. Orthodox Teachers Training College of Africa, Nairobi
  36. Butula Teachers Training College, Butula
  37. Annex Computer and Business College, Ongata Rongai
  38. Mwingi West Teachers Training College, Mwingi
  39. Narok West Institute of Professional Studies, Narok
  40. Malindi Education and Development Association MEDA, Malindi
  41. Busia Teachers Training College, Busia
  42. Migori Teachers Training College, Migori
  43. Bridge College – Ongata Rongai campus, Ongata Rongai
  44. Brighter College, Ongata Rongai
  45. Lanet Teachers Training College, Nakuru
  46. Machakos Teachers Training College, Machakos
  47. Jodan College of Technology Nairobi city campus, Nairobi
  48. Ann’s ECD Teachers College, KISII
  49. Elgon View College, Eldoret (Main Campus), Eldoret
  50. Nairobi Institute of Business Studies ongata rongai campus, Nairobi
  51. Zetech College Pioneer Campus, Nairobi
  52. Karen Christian College, Nairobi
  53. Nyanchwa Adventist College , Kisii
  54. East Africa Institute of Certified Studies, Nairobi
  55. Royal College of Science and Technology, Ruiru
  56. Imara ECDE college, Nairobi
  57. Othaya Teachers College, Othaya
  58. Presbyterian Teachers College Rubate, Chuka
  59. Maasai Teachers’ College, Karen
  60. Deans Teachers College , Lavington Nairobi.
  61. Carol Teachers Training College, Rongai
  62. Kenya Education Management Institute, Nairobi
  63. Nehema Institute of Science and Technology, Eldoret
  64. Martin De Porres Teachers College, Kiserian
  65. Kenya Science Teachers College, Nairobi
  66. Nakuru Teachers Training College, Nakuru
  67. Paul’s Nyabururu Teachers Training College, Kisii
  68. John’s Teachers Training College, Thika
  69. Baringo Teachers Training College, Seretunin
  70. International Teachers Training College, Nairobi
  71. Kagumo Teachers Training College, Nyeri
  72. Maragua Teachers Training College, Muranga
  73. Lawrence Egoji Teachers College, Egoji
  74. Christ the Teacher Institute for Education, Nairobi
  75. Bunks Early Childhood Education College, Nairobi
  76. Glad Toto Early Childhood Teachers Training Centre, Nairobi
  77. International Montessori School, Nairobi
  78. Kithimani Integrated Teachers College, Kithimani
  79. African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Mombasa City Campus, Mombasa
  80. African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Nairobi City Campus, Nairobi
  81. Thika Institute of Technology, Thika
  82. Amicus Teacher Training College, Nairobi
  83. Nyanchwa Teachers Training College, Kisii
  84. Valley College, Litein
  85. Kamwenja Teachers Training College, Nyeri
  86. Bondo Teachers Training College, Bondo
  87. Eldoret Splendid College of Computer Training, Eldoret
  88. Unity College of Professional Studies, Buruburu Campus, Nairobi
  89. Ann’s College,Kisii, Kisii
  90. Regions group international college, Eldoret
  91. Jerusa Teachers Training College, JTTC, Kakamega
  92. International College of Professionals, Nairobi
  93. Nakuru College of Health Sciences, Nakuru
  94. Coast College of Professional Studies, Mombasa
  95. Eldoret Aviation Training Institute, Eldoret
  96. Kenya Institute of Business and Technology, Eldoret
  97. Kenya Institute of Social Work and Community Development , Nairobi
  98. Nyeri Catholic Early Childhood Development Education Teachers Training College (ECDE TTC), Nyeri
  99. Sunrise Teachers College, Athi River
  100. Shanzu Teachers Training College, Mombasa
  101. Machakos Institute of Technology, Machakos
  102. Consolata College, Nairobi
  103. Premese Africa Development Institute, Nairobi
  104. Shujaa Training Institute of Development Studies, Kisii
  105. Tec Teachers Training Institute, Nairobi
  106. Deans Teacher Training College, Nairobi