ECDE are among the most marketable courses in Kenya.The list below shows colleges and universities offering ECDE in Kenya
- MIT Teachers Training College, Machakos
- Memon College, Mombasa
- International Teaching and Training Center, Kitengela
- Embu College, Embu
- Kivuli College, Wangige
- Riccatti Business College, Nairobi
- Bumbe Technical Training Institute, Busia
- Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology RVIST, Nakuru
- Kirinyaga University College, Kerugoya
- Mount Kenya University School of Education, Thika
- University of Nairobi, Kikuyu Campus, Kikuyu
- Kirinyaga University College, Kerugoya
- Kericho School of Professional Studies, Kericho
- Kentrac College, Nairobi
- Kanaan International College, Kisumu
- Andrew East Africa School of Management, Wundanyi
- The Golden Gate College (GCC), Mosoriot
- AIC Eldoret Training College, Eldoret
- Eastern Kenya Integrated College, Mitaboni
- Community Concern Training Institute, Nairobi
- The Cambridge Institute of Management, Kayole
- Bondo Institute of Professional Studies and Technology , Bondo
- Superhighway Training Centre, Thika
- Nakuru College of Health Sciences & Management, Nakuru
- Kitale Cedar ECDE Teacher Training College, Kitale
- Kibabii Diploma Teachers’ Training College, Bungoma
- Kipsigis Teachers’ Training College, Litein
- Kaimosi Teachers Training College, Kaimosi
- Eregi Teachers Training College, Maragoli
- Blescohouse Teachers Training College, Nakuru
- Nabongo Teachers Training College, Bungoma
- Kisauni Youth Polytechnic, Mombasa
- Islamic Teachers’ Training College Mombasa, Mombasa
- Tusome Centre, Nairobi
- Orthodox Teachers Training College of Africa, Nairobi
- Butula Teachers Training College, Butula
- Annex Computer and Business College, Ongata Rongai
- Mwingi West Teachers Training College, Mwingi
- Narok West Institute of Professional Studies, Narok
- Malindi Education and Development Association MEDA, Malindi
- Busia Teachers Training College, Busia
- Migori Teachers Training College, Migori
- Bridge College – Ongata Rongai campus, Ongata Rongai
- Brighter College, Ongata Rongai
- Lanet Teachers Training College, Nakuru
- Machakos Teachers Training College, Machakos
- Jodan College of Technology Nairobi city campus, Nairobi
- Ann’s ECD Teachers College, KISII
- Elgon View College, Eldoret (Main Campus), Eldoret
- Nairobi Institute of Business Studies ongata rongai campus, Nairobi
- Zetech College Pioneer Campus, Nairobi
- Karen Christian College, Nairobi
- Nyanchwa Adventist College , Kisii
- East Africa Institute of Certified Studies, Nairobi
- Royal College of Science and Technology, Ruiru
- Imara ECDE college, Nairobi
- Othaya Teachers College, Othaya
- Presbyterian Teachers College Rubate, Chuka
- Maasai Teachers’ College, Karen
- Deans Teachers College , Lavington Nairobi.
- Carol Teachers Training College, Rongai
- Kenya Education Management Institute, Nairobi
- Nehema Institute of Science and Technology, Eldoret
- Martin De Porres Teachers College, Kiserian
- Kenya Science Teachers College, Nairobi
- Nakuru Teachers Training College, Nakuru
- Paul’s Nyabururu Teachers Training College, Kisii
- John’s Teachers Training College, Thika
- Baringo Teachers Training College, Seretunin
- International Teachers Training College, Nairobi
- Kagumo Teachers Training College, Nyeri
- Maragua Teachers Training College, Muranga
- Lawrence Egoji Teachers College, Egoji
- Christ the Teacher Institute for Education, Nairobi
- Bunks Early Childhood Education College, Nairobi
- Glad Toto Early Childhood Teachers Training Centre, Nairobi
- International Montessori School, Nairobi
- Kithimani Integrated Teachers College, Kithimani
- African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Mombasa City Campus, Mombasa
- African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Nairobi City Campus, Nairobi
- Thika Institute of Technology, Thika
- Amicus Teacher Training College, Nairobi
- Nyanchwa Teachers Training College, Kisii
- Valley College, Litein
- Kamwenja Teachers Training College, Nyeri
- Bondo Teachers Training College, Bondo
- Eldoret Splendid College of Computer Training, Eldoret
- Unity College of Professional Studies, Buruburu Campus, Nairobi
- Ann’s College,Kisii, Kisii
- Regions group international college, Eldoret
- Jerusa Teachers Training College, JTTC, Kakamega
- International College of Professionals, Nairobi
- Nakuru College of Health Sciences, Nakuru
- Coast College of Professional Studies, Mombasa
- Eldoret Aviation Training Institute, Eldoret
- Kenya Institute of Business and Technology, Eldoret
- Kenya Institute of Social Work and Community Development , Nairobi
- Nyeri Catholic Early Childhood Development Education Teachers Training College (ECDE TTC), Nyeri
- Sunrise Teachers College, Athi River
- Shanzu Teachers Training College, Mombasa
- Machakos Institute of Technology, Machakos
- Consolata College, Nairobi
- Premese Africa Development Institute, Nairobi
- Shujaa Training Institute of Development Studies, Kisii
- Tec Teachers Training Institute, Nairobi
- Deans Teacher Training College, Nairobi