See The most Handsome Man in Kenya, Kevin Oduor, who is representing The Country in Mr.World contest



The most handsome and hottest man in Kenya has been discovered. Kevin Oduor is a man whose smile can win even a nun.

The catholic University student, whose full name is Kevin Oduor Owiti, is representing Kenya for the Mr World title 2016 at Southport, UK. He hopes to clinch the title and become the new Mr. World after lucking a competitor in Kenya.

Kevin is a Luo, with a deadly swag, infectious smile, perfect height, flawless skin and excellent command of English language. He is among 5 Africans selected to contest for the coveted title.

“I am humbled to be representing my country at the world finals and I hope to bring the crown home. Since I took the national title, I have been preparing myself physically and mentally with the help of some mentors who have helped me become a better version of myself,Kevin says as he board a plane to UK

If you doubt his description above, see photos for yourself

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kevin oduor

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