A new, shocking survey has revealed that the number of women who will be driving personal cars in Nairobi in 10 years’ time will be more than that of men.
The survey further revealed that, for every 4 personal cars being purchased in Nairobi, 2 belong to women.
“We have noted that more women are enrolling for degrees, masters and PhD programs. These women are the same individuals who join companies as senior managers. Since personal cars have become a necessity, they opt to acquire them”, said one of the researchers.
The survey also revealed that despite more women rushing to acquire personal cars, the cost of those cars is way below the cost of vehicles driven by men. Women often purchase cheap used cars, mostly imported from Japan.These cars go for as little as Ksh250, 000 per month. It is only a small number of women, mostly entrepreneurs, who drive big cars like Range Rover, Toyota V8 and BMW.
The major reason why the number of men owning personal cars is shrinking each day is because women have taken over jobs which were traditionally reserved for men. These jobs often come with attractive salary package. Men on the other hand are focusing more on investments and buying assets-women have fewer responsibilities, hence high disposable income.