Best and Marketable Courses to Study at Mount Kanya University (MKU)


When planning to join Mount Kenya University,you are required to choose the best courses from a list of over 200 programs offered by the institution.

A Diploma Course gives a student knowledge required to pursue further studies in their field of specialization as well as join the job market and gain skills necessary for professional growth.

Many people are of the opinion that a graduate with a Diploma course will not go far unless they pursue a Degree course, but we have seen so many diploma holders excelling,even outshining masters graduates. What matters is the course selection and performance at work.

Following our intensive research, we have sampled some of the best Diploma courses you can study at Mount Kenya University to become a world class employee or entrepreneur.

For instance, a Diploma course in Pharmaceutical Technology will give you knowledge about drugs and related substances. As a graduate, you can either choose to be self-employed or seek employment in medical industry.

For your information, owning a pharmacy in Kenya will be a blessing to you since it’s one of the most profitable businesses in the country.

Diploma in Community Health and HIV/AIDS Management may look useless for someone who lacks knowledge of what it entails.HIV/AIDS was declared a national disaster when it spread like bush fire in early 2000.Its prevalence caught the attention of the Government and International community, as a result, the government built several training institutions as well as NGOs to sensitize the population against the deadly disease. There are over 100 NGOs in Kenya which work with communities in reducing HIV prevalence cases and over 20 government institutions which support HIV victims and sensitize communities on the same. These institutions require personnel, who are scarce, if you fail to pursue the course, who will work in these institutions?

Finally, if you enroll for Diploma in Accounting and Banking and Finance, please consider pursuing professional course in Accounting and Finance. You can choose to do either CIFA or CPA.
The competition out here is stiff, don’t think you are the first one to do the course; you must be prepared to face the world before it’s too late.

Diploma Courses

1. Diploma in Risk Management and Insurance
2. Diploma in Purchasing and Procurement Management
3. Diploma in Project Management
4. Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology
5. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science
6. Diploma in Information Technology
7. Diploma in Film Production
8. Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Development
9. Diploma in Dental Technology
10. Diploma in Computer Engineering
11. Diploma in Community Health and HIV/AIDS Management
12. Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
13. Diploma in Banking and Finance
14. Diploma in Accounting
15. Diploma in Business Information Technology
16. Post Graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation
17. Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management

Mount Kenya University has over 50 degree courses but not all of them are relevant in today’s world.

Remember you will spend over 500k studying at the university, so put your money in a course that will give you returns in the shortest time possible.

Avoid pursuing a course that will make you regret forever as you curse the University for allowing you fall into a ditch without giving you a warning.

We have analyzed all the courses offered at the University against available job opportunities in the job market. The result is as accurate as a natural clock, so believe in what you see here.
Some of the courses that you’ll pursue and get a job immediately after college include Bachelor of Science in Statistics, Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management, Bachelor of Economics and Statistics and Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery.

Be careful also when you enroll for Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Economics. The courses have so many graduates who are jobless, just because of blunders they did while in college. As you join MKU, make sure you enroll for ACCA, CIFA or CPA; otherwise, you will be another statistic.

1. Bachelor of Science in Statistics
2. Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management
3. Bachelor of Science in Nursing
4. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
5. Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
6. Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology
7. Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine and Community Health
8. Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
9. Bachelor of Pharmacy
10. Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
11. Bachelor of Education in Special Needs Education (Primary & Secondary)
12. Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
13. Bachelor of Commerce
14. Bachelor of Economics and Finance
15. Bachelor of Economics

Masters Courses
A Masters course enables one to specialize in their field of choice. At this level, a professional knows more about the job market and career dynamics.

At Mount Kenya University, there are over 20 Masters Courses, most of which relate more to business field.
Having gone through the courses offered at MKU, we have selected the best Masters courses for anyone aspiring to excel in an increasing competitive society.

Master of Business Administration is good for those who are already employed, but if you are pursuing the course while you are jobless and you don’t possess any professional experience, I AM SORRY!

Executive Master of Business Administration is for Senior Managers or those who are aspiring to be Senior Managers.
1. Executive Master of Business Administration
2. Master in Accounting
3. Master in Accounting
4. Master of Clinical Medicine
5. Master of Arts in Economics
6. Master of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy
7. Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation
8. Master of Business Administration
9. Master of Public Health
10. Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences
11. Master of Science in Medical-Surgical Nursing
12. Master of Science in Statistics
13. Master of Science in Procurement and Supply Management
14. Master of Science in Nursing (General)


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