Facts About Banking Jobs and Salaries in Kenya



Banking industry absorbs more than 40 % of graduates from Kenyan universities, but behind this encouraging statistics there are employees who are wishing they could leave the banking sector.

Most people working for banks will rarely reveal to the public what they go through day in day out, they fear discouraging those planning to join them. But I can tell you, in those banking halls people have developed hypertension, ulcers and other serious diseases due to pressure associated with the work.

The worst jobs you could get in a bank locally is the position of a teller or direct sales executive. These two positions will make you lose sleep, lose friends and hate the world. Each day you are given unrealistic targets by your boss-the worst involves selling loans. If you fail to achieve these targets, you are given a warning letter and if you meet them, no one will congratulate you—that’s how working in a bank rewards you.

When you are not one of the employees of a bank, you often see those guys dressed in expensive suits, smiling all the time and handling millions of cash. This impression makes you think they are millionaires. My friend, what you see in that person is a false impression-this man is trying to impress a customer so that he can push the products. The suit you see in that man is acquired through a loan or money borrowed from a friend. For your information, the first thing you are told when you join the banking industry is to take a loan and buy decent and expensive clothes, which is why you won’t see bank employee dressed in cheap attire.

Another thing you should understand about this job is that most of those workers you see working in banks wake up at 3 am and sleep at 11 pm;in fact ,they have little time for fan. In a bank you are not allowed to wind up before you balance equations. In a bank you are not allowed report late even a minute, you have to wake up early and arrive office before everyone in that town.

When it comes to salaries, the average salary of a cashier in a local bank is Ksh 45,000.This salary grows annually at a rate of 12 %-20 %.In this job the more you work the better your salary but the most painful thing comes when it’s time for appraisal. As you know, your salary depends on whether you are in the union and the appraisal process. Now when it comes to appraisal, the manager might decide to give you “poor”, meaning that you must please your manager beyond excitement so that he can award you “excellent”

Sales executive officers earn average salary of Ksh20,000 while bank managers earn Ksh 120,000-Ksh250,000.

When it comes to termination of contracts, banking jobs are the worst. You can wake up well in the morning and in the afternoon you go home with a termination letter, simply because you accepted a bouncing cheque.The unluckiest people are bank tellers, who pay the bank thousands of shillings monthly due to simple counting mistakes.

The worst thing I hate about banking jobs is that you don’t have even time to look for a job elsewhere; every time you are tired to your job. In most cases good opportunities pass these people unknowingly.


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