Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in Rongai, Nairobi



Rongai is one of the cheapest estates to live in Nairobi but the town has several disadvantages which make it not appealing for people who would want to live there. We analyze advantages and disadvantages of living in this town, especially if you are working in Nairobi CBD.

Advantages of living in Rongai

Cheap rent

The most obvious advantage is the rental prices of most apartments in the town. Unlike Estates like South C, Kilimani, and Langat which charge unrealistic prices on rent,Rongai is relatively cheap. A single room in Rongai costs not more than Ksh 5, 000,a one  bedroom house goes for Ksh 5,000-Ksh12,000 while a bedsitter costs not more than Ksh8,000.

If you are earning less than Ksh 30, 000, Rongai is the best town to live in.


Rongai is one of the most secure middle income estates in Nairobi.Living here will be a plus for people who are looking for estates with minimal cases of insecurity.

Drainage system

The drainage system is also good as compared to many estates in Nairobi’s Eastland area.

Condition of apartments

Apartments in Rongai are fact most of them are new and have excellent finishing.

Disadvantages of living in Rongai

Traffic jam

If you are planning to live in rongai and work in Nairobi CBD,be prepared to wake up at 4 am.The traffic along Langata Road is hell on earth especially during week days.

Transport cost

Fare from Rongai to Nairobi CBD is always not less than Ksh100, which is discouraging. It’s very expensive to commute daily from Rongai to Nairobi CBD.


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