How To Keep a Maid/House girl



In the modern world everyone has gone to school and to get a maid/house girl to work for you requires luck. If you have one, you actually need to keep her, otherwise you will remain with your children, who will force you to abscond work. For you to keep your maid for at least 1 year, this is what to do.

  1. Make her feel comfortable

The first and most important thing is to make your maid comfortable. To do this, ensure you don’t use abusive words towards her. You realize that in most cases, employers treat their workers in such a way that they feel inferior. Most women want to make sure she knows she is a maid by using very demeaning terms. As a human being, the maid will feel homesick, get bored and quit within no time.

What is required of you is to treat the maid in such a way that she feels part of the family. Make sure her diet is the same as yours, make sure whenever visitors come, you avoid referring to her as a maid, but as a helper —she feels good to hear that. I have witnessed employers feed on meet as the maid engage vegetables/or remnants—if you are doing this, I can assure you that maid won’t stay.

  1. Pay her well

The second thing is to pay her reasonable salary. Before you negotiate with her, make sure the rate you pay the maid is similar to what neighbours pay or it’s slightly higher. In addition, promise to increase her salary periodically, say after 6 months. If she knows that her salary would be reviewed upwards, she will look forward to earning the new salary.

  1. Help her with some chores

The work of a maid is not to do 100 % of the tasks at home. Even if you’re paying her, you should at least help her with some chores, especially after work. What we normally witness is that most women, especially career women arrive at home in the evening, switch on the TV and bask as they order the maid to do every duty in the house, which is very wrong. What I will advise; some jobs, like washing inner wears and boiling water for shower is not meant for the house girl.

I usually monitor how house girls work at home, you will bear me witness that when the employer helps the maid in kitchen, she always feels happy and rejuvenated—that’s the spirit any worker requires.

Give the maid A break, at least once a week

Most house girls are of tender age. These are people who are out to explore. As an employer you should know that freedom for this girl is very important. The idea of zero grazing her from Monday to Sunday won’t work. What you actually need to do is to ensure she have one day in a week she is free from work. This day, tell her to visit friend and do whatever pleases her as long as she arrives at home at the stipulated time.

Treat her like your daughter

A maid is human like you, she need love. The best gift you can give this person is to treat her like your daughter. By the way this person is significant to your family, and I will tell you why. You know, if she wants to kill the entire family, she can do so within a minute. She cooks, she enters bedroom, she guards your house and makes sure everything is okay. This person knows you more than your friends do, which is why you should keep her closer than anybody else.


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