Safaricom Uwezo Tariff Rates



Uwezo Tariff is a pre-paid service offered by Safaricom. The basic rates for this tariff are Ksh 4 per minute call

The tariff is categorized into two time bands. On-net time band and off-net time band. During on-net time band,you will call at Ksh4 per minute. This is from 08 am to 10 pm.From 10 pm to 8 am,you will call for Ksh 2.

The rates are as indicated below.

PrePay Calls and SMS Rates

Our calling rates are specially designed with your ease in mind. They are:

Time Band On-net Rate Off-net Rate
08h00-22h00 KSHs.4.00 KSHs.4.00
22h00-08h00 KSHs.2.00 KSHs.4.00

Here are the charges for calling and sending SMS using your PrePay Safaricom line.

Brand Tariff On-net Rate/ Min Off-net Rate/ Min SMS bundle – 10 SMS SMS bundle – 200 SMS SMS bundle – 500 SMS
PrePay Uwezo KSHs.1.00 KSHs.1.00 KSHs.5.00 KSHs.10.00 KSHs.2.00



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