List of Most Important Government Institutions in Kenya



If you are a Kenyan, or a foreigner, these institutions will be important for you, because you will at one time seek services from them.

Though there are over 1000 government institutions, not all of them are important to majority of Kenyans. However, the institutions in this list matter most.

1.      KRA

2.      Central Bank of Kenya

3.      The Police

4.      NSSF

5.      NHIF

6.      Kenyatta National Hospital

7.      Kenya Power

8.      HELB

9.      Office of the President

10.  Universities

11.  KenGen


13.  Credit Reference Bureau

14.  Immigration Department

15.  JKIA

16.  KNEC


18.  IEBC

19.  Parliament

20.  Judiciary

21.  KPA

22.  NTSA

23.  NSE

Each government institution above has a very important role, such that if one ceases to function, millions of Kenyans will suffer. The most important office is the Central Bank of Kenya, which is responsible for printing and circulating money…imagine life without money!!!




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