Heidelberg University has advertised scholarships for PhD students. The scholarships will be open for Germany and international students.
CfA 4 Scholarships in the PhD program “Elucidation of molecular mechanisms as foundation
for an evidence-based complementary and integrative medicine”
Deadline: August 15th 2017
The purpose of the interdisciplinary RTG is to unravel the molecular mechanisms mediating the effects of complementary medicine. The scientific projects within the RTG will be on plant active ingredients and photobiomodulation in respect to their effects on the immune system, tumor defense, regulation of the natural intestinal barrier and wound healing. The final goal is to obtain solid scientifically consolidated findings to critically evaluate methods of complementary medicine for future treatments of tumors or chronic inflammatory diseases.
Beginning of the scholarship: October 1st 2017 (or later)
Further information:
► http://www.azkim.de/en/research/rtg/
► PhDpositions RTG CM_engl