More Quotes from Robert Mugabe.I can’t stop laughing

More Quotes from Robert Mugabe.I can’t stop laughing



Robert Mugabe is a legend, a man full of wisdom. During his good and bad times, he managed to come up with the following quotes.

*Girls’ legs are like rumours.. They spread any how!*
Robert Mugabe 2015
*Ladies are powerful, they can introduce two boyfriends at the same time. They will say:*
My Love, meet My Sweet heart. *And the two idiots will say “Bossu, how far?”* 😂😂 😂
Robert Mugabe 2016
*Some of you girls can’t even jog for 5minutes but expect a guy to last in bed with u for 2 hours???. Ur level of selfishness demands a one week crusade!*
Robert Mugabe 2016

*It’s hard to bewitch African gals these days. Every time you take a piece from her hair to the witch doctor, either a Brazilian innocent woman gets mad, or a factory in China catches fire.!*
Robert Mugabe 2016
*Dating a slim/ slender guy is cool. The problem is when u’re lying on his chest, then his ribs draw adidas lines on your face!* 😂😂😂
R.G Mugabe 2016
*No sex before marriage???*
*If that was God’s plan you would receive your P@nis or V@gina on your wedding day.!*

*Robert Mugabe*
*Wisdom, will kill Mugabe*
*Whenever things seem to start going well in your life, the Devil comes along and gives you a ​girlfriend​!*
​Robert Mugabe 2016​
*”Sucking breast is a survival skill guys learnt at birth.*
*But as to how and where girls learnt the act of sucking dicks still baffles me…”*
~Robert Mugabe😂😄💦😂
*If you are ugly, you are ugly.*
*Stop talking about inner beauty, cos we dont walk around with X-rays*😀😀
*Respect pregnant women because it’s not easy walking around with evidence that you’ve had sex!*
-Robert Mugabe
*Dear sisters,*
Don’t be deceived by a man who text you: *”I miss you” only when it’s are not an umbrella!* –
Robert Mugabe (2016)
Obama: *Mugabe, wisdom and money which one will you go for?* Mugabe: *I will take money*
Obama: *But I will go for wisdom*
Mugabe: *Well everyone will go for what he lacks!!!*😂

*Stupidity is when u lick a woman with ur bare tongue n later sex her with condom. What are u preventing, catarrh or headache?*
– Robert Mugabe

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