Hessy has done it again. Two criminals chopped off someone’s hand along Jogoo Road, they thought crime pays but met their death the following morning.
This is what Hessy reported:
“In regards to Yesterdays killings around Nyasa Lane,Outside Qwetu Hse(Jogoo Road-Uchumi Area) it half way brought a smile to the family of a hardworking Kenyan whose arm was chopped off by this two guys #Moses_Mwaura(Pablo) and #Gathee(Sheriff) on Thursday morning-5Am Makongeni area-Stadium as they tried to robb him off his phone.
The said victim was later rushed to the hospital and on arrival-announced dead!! Due to severe bleeding…
(May his Soul Rest in Humble Peace)
Let this be an eye opener to those sympathizers, who are always on the forefront to shield this boys!!-dawa ni Risasi”
Below are the photos of the criminals.
This is Moses Pablo,one of the criminals who were killed by Hessy.RIP
This is the hand they had chopped off the previous day.The victim died shortly due to excessive bleeding.