Hessy Wa Dandora is No Joke,See Who He Killed This Morning


Otoyo is dead.The dreaded gang was neutralized yesterday night after years of terrorizing innocent population.

According to Hessy Wa Dandora, the notorious thief was in a gang of three people when he was accosted by hawk eyed pedestrians. A three hours beating was enough to send him to the grave.

“A notorious gangster well known as #Otoyo from Dandora Phs 4 has been dealt with by #Teambuilding at #Joy_villa_stage (Dandora) this morning. In the year 2017 , kijana alipatikana na Teambuilding akapewa kichapo hadi mguu moja ukavunjwa, he stayed in hospital for a very long time and eventually akaekwa chuma kwa mguu ndio awezeshwe kutembea tena. After he was discharged, kijana aliendelea na wizi akiwa na hiyo chuma kwa mguu with the slogan “once a soldier always a soldier ” and today akiwa in a group of 3, wame-attack an innocent person wakamuibia, but this one was unlucky coz alishindwa kukimbia…. hivyo ndivyo part of eulogy inafaa”reported Hessy

It seems Nairobi won’t be a heaven for notorious gangs,Hessy is not joking this time round.