As I completed form four in 2015 I moved to Mombasa where I joined Mombasa Polytechnic for a diploma course. That time I was living in a single room in Likoni which my parent was paying Ksh2,000.
During my first year, I didn’t have a girlfriend, I was shy then. In second year,I remember there was a girl who used to board the same vehicle I boarded most of the time. At first I didn’t have interest in her but as we continued seeing each other,I discovered she was beautiful.
Jokingly, my friend told me as the girl was walking infront of us,”si uchukue huyu msichana?ama uniachie?I didn’t want to waste a chance,I developed strong interest in her.
One day as we were eating in a cafeteria I saw here seated in the far end with other girls,I pretended I didn’t see her.But as she was moving towards the counter, I rose fast from my seat and went towards her,I asked,”mmekula ngapi,leo wacha niwapromote?”,”soo mbili”,she replied.I took Ksh500 from my pocket and gave her to pay.I went to sit.
As I was seated I kept looking at her as she looked back. She paid and brought Ksh 300 as change. But since I was blinded (you know how infatuation can blind you), I told her,”hiyo ingine ni yako,keep change”.I saw her face glowing as she smiled and moved away from us past the main door.My friend jokingly said,”huyu naye ameingiana,good luck.
That day I learned she was called Sylvia.I heard her friend call her.
For three day I didn’t manage to see her, we were taking Cats. But I kept hoping when we meet,I would ask for her number.
On a Friday morning as I was busy in the library I saw her passing to the counter, I greeted her and she responded back, with an infectious smile. I gestured to her to come to my desk. Since I didn’t want anyone to hear, I moved my mouth closer to her hears as she slightly bent to reach to my face and told her, ”hey,nipatie number please?” I was typing mine on my phone as I was requesting. She took a pen and wrote her number on a paper, she then said, “bye, see you”.
That evening I called her and asked whether she was ready we go home, she told me to give her 10 minutes. Since I am a man,I didn’t want to waste the chance. This time, I decided I won’t go alongside my friend Jimmy, I had told her earlier that the lecturer will come for evening class, so he should not expect me.
As I was waiting near the administration block I saw Syliva coming while trying to make a call, immediately she saw me, she stopped calling and pointed at me.I greeted her and we proceeded home.
I realized that evening that she lived few metres from my house. I didn’t want to take her to my house though, immediately we arrived at Likoni,I let her go.
We interacted for 3 weeks while exchanging pleasantries. After I made sure she was comfortable with me,I made a move. One day as we were taking lunch I asked her,”si leo ukuje nikupikie?” Sylvia shyly looked at the ground while looking at a key I was carrying, she replied,”nitajaribu”.That evening I decided to go home alone early so as to spread the bed and clean the house—an important visitor was coming.
While I was cutting meat I had bought for her,Syliva called,she told me,”babe,nimepata mgeni,sioni kama nitakuja”,I couldn’t believe my ears,na vile nilikuwa nimejitayarisha.My pocket hjad Ksh2,000 and I had already spent Ksh1,600 because of her.I replied,”kuja hata kama ni three minutes,mgeni analala ama anaenda?”,I asked.”Ni cuzo alikuja kunitembelea but ataenda kitu kaa saa mbili”.I told her,”akienda niambie nikukujie”.
After 30 minutes,she told me,”come unichukue,niko kwa hii billboard ya Safaricom”.My heart started beating fast as I hurriedly put on my shirt and shoes.I took the padlock and closed the door,then proceeded to meet Sylvia.
When I approached the billboard I saw her, firmly in her phone while looking at her phone. I hugged her and said,kwangu hata sio mbali”.We proceeded to my house as we chatted.
I opened the door and welcomed her inside.We chatted and laughed as she took the meal I had prepared.But before she finished,she told me,”saa hii ni late,wacha ninawe unisindikize”.In my mind I had thought she would sleep over,that;s statement forced me to be innovative.In class I am not innovative but that night I had to,it was a wonderful opportunity for me.”I told her,huku nje sio kuzuri past 9pm,hata niligamble kukuja kukuchukua,nitakutandikia ulale kwa bed na mimi nilale kwa sofa,kesho sio mbali.Kwanza juzi kuna boi alinyongwa hapa nyuma akitembea saa nne ya usiku.
I saw Sylvia looking at me nervously. After one minute of silence.”Wacha basi nilale,lakini usinidanganye”,she said.I felt happy, very happy.
True to my words,I told her to sleep in my bed as I slept on the sofa.But after 1 minutes of sleeping at the sofa,I started complaining of mosquitoes. I didn’t have a formula of moving from the sofa to the bed.All this time I heard Sylvia was dead asleep.I moved from the Sofa and pretended to go to the bathroom and I intentionally kicked a plastic chair that was between the Sofa and kitchen. Sylvia shouted,Oh my God,who’s this?”I replied,ni mimi,mbu zimenikula sana”.She replied,”sorry,sasa tutafanya aje?” I didn’t answer her,I just moved to the bed and relaxed next to her with my blanket, I said as I was resting,wacha nilale hapa kando,wewe lala,sitakusumbua”.
After about 10 minutes my body refused to relax,I found relax—I found myself holding Sylvia as she said in low tone,”wacha,wacha,aki wacha nilale”.For about 2 minutes, she resisted me but she eventually relaxed and locked herself inside my arms.
That was a night to remember,what I did was sweet.
Since 2016 we had been friends and she is now pregnant.She is my girlfriend and I was expecting to marry her.But something happened that shocked me.Two weeks ago my grandmother died,I attended the funeral.I didn’t tell Sylvia about that because I knew she wasn’t interested.
While in Bungoma to attend the funeral, I also met Sylvia. I was shocked. I only knew she came from Bungoma,few kilometres from my home and she didn’t know anything about our family.
While giving introduction, my uncle said, “we also have our blood in Wekesa’s home,simama watu wakuone”.Sylvia stood from the crowd…I started sweating