Bet254 midweek jackpot is starting today,Venas News is the only website that analyzes and presents predictions for this jackpot to subscribers. Today we are sending a total of 5 versions to each of our subscribers. Last week we had the best time because we had 17 winners,this week we are aiming to increase the number of winners. As you know,betting costs Ksh10 only.
We sell the jackpot tips for Ksh 1050 per month or Ksh 525 for two weeks. To pay,follow these steps;
- Go to MPESA
- Select Lipa Na MPESA
- Select Buy Goods and Services
- Enter MPESA till number (705909)
- Enter amount (Ksh1050 Ksh525)
- Enter MPESA pin and send
We will send a total of 5 versions to each of our subscribers. Since Ksh1 million is amount to be won, we are targeting at least 12/13 correct predictions.
The tips will be sent via SMS.