Home BUSINESS Contacts for American Embassy in Nairobi

Contacts for American Embassy in Nairobi


If you want to contact American Embassy in Nairobi, you can use their phone numbers posted below or email direct via the email address provided in this post. These are the only genuine American Embassy Nairobi contacts.

For appointment or payment issues, please contact our Service Desk at +254 20 764 0121/+254 20 500 0006. You can also send an e-mail directly to [email protected]

U.S. Embassy
Consular-NIV Unit
P.O. Box 606 Village Market
00621 Nairobi, Kenya

Amerian Embassy Nairobi website https://ke.usembassy.gov/visas/nonimmigrant-visas/contact-us-form/

For VISA inquiries, you can call the numbers provided above.