Betika Sababisha Jackpot Predictions,8/11/2020


Today there will be Betika Grand Jackpot as well as Betika Sababisha jackpot, all these jackpots will be sent to our subscribers. We have prepared 3 versions of Betika Grand Jackpot to be delivered to the subscribers. If you wish to subscribe to the tips, pay Ksh1010 per month or Ksh505 for two weeks as follows:

  • Go to MPESA
  • Select Lipa Na MPESA
  • Select Buy Goods and Services
  • Enter MPESA till number (705909)
  • Enter amount (Ksh1010,Ksh505)
  • Enter MPESA pin and send

All subscribers will receive Betika midweek jackpot as well as Betika Grand Jackpot predictions, the tips will be sent via SMS.

Below is a free analyzed Betika Sababisha Jackpot for 8/11/2020:

  1. Nimes vs Angers—2
  2. Leicester vs Wolves—1
  3. Atalanta vs Inter—1or2
  4. Man City vs Liverpool—1X
  5. Leverkusen vs Borussia(M)—1
  6. Levante vs Alaves—1
  7. Valladolid vs Atletico Bilbao—X2

If you wish to receive 100% accurate daily betting tips from us,pay Ksh2,000 per month or Ksh1,100 for two weeks to the MPESA till number 705909