Maintaining a website in Kenya requires one to spend money. One thing many Kenyans don’t know is that when you own a website, you have to pay for hosting monthly or annually. The amount of money to pay for hosting depend on the traffic your site receives. Hosting costs are the major costs incurred in running a website.
The total amount of money to spend on hosting is as follows:
10,000 monthly page views—Ksh 2,000 per year
100,000 monthly page views—Ksh 2,000 per year
500,000 monthly page views—Ksh 30,000 per year
1 million page views per month—-Ksh 200,000 per year
3 million page views per month—Ksh 400,000 per year.
In order to minimize the cost of hosting, ensure that your images are light,each image should not be heavier than 200kb.You should also buy a light WordPress template.
Each web hosting company charges specific price for hosting. I will recommend Hostpinnacle for those who are registering a website now, they charge Ksh 1,999 per year.To learn more about HostPinnacle,follow this link
Apart from the hosting charges,you’ll also pay annually for the domain name.The cost ranges between Ksh500 and Ksh 1,600 per year.