Many Kenyans are wondering why Kamene Goro was sacked from Kiss FM, there are many reasons. One of the reasons why she quit the station is due to his frequent absenteeism.Kamene used to abscond duty regularly until she received a warning from the management. She would skip duties for three days faking sickness only to be seen somewhere partying.
Kamene Goro would wake up at 6 am and send a text to Obinna telling him that he is not reporting to work.Obinna had to inform the management to look for someone to help him with work.
For two years, ever since Jalango left KisS FM, the station has been doing badly. Kamene became lazy and failed to attract advertisers.
Last year Radio Africa informed Kamene that her contract won’t be renewed. From February 2023 she won’t be reporting, instead Sheila Kwamboka will replace her.
Kamene is currently jobless and actively looking for employment.