List of Kenyan celebrities who are HIV positive


Do you know celebrities in Kenya who are HIV positive? Here is a complete list of those who have gone public with their HIV status

  1. Doreen Moraa Moracha

Doreen Moraa is a well know celebrity in Kenya. She was born HIV positive but that did not make her wallow in sorrow. Instead of Doreen giving up on herself or succumbing to stigma, she used her situation to educate others about HIV and how to manage it.

Doreen is the founder of I Am a Beautiful Story which advocates for hope and creates awareness for HIV victims and also encourages others that there is life even after the diagnosis.

  • Evelyn Simaloi

Evelyn is one of the HIV activists. She got infected by the virus through his lover. When she first realized she was HIV positive, her world come crushing down but later on she realized that it was not the end of the world. Evelyn realized to stay healthy she needed to not give up on herself and needed to have hope. Evelyn has ignored all the stigma and self-denial and she is now leading a happy life, she also joined stigma academy to help her accept her condition.  She has taken pleasure in helping people living with HIV.

  • Phenny Awiti

Phenny awiti is a Kenyan celebrity and a HIV activist. Awiti is HIV positive and she is also a mother of three. Doreen never let stigma get to her instead she uses the situation to educate others about the dangers of HIV/AIDs. Awiti has been featured in shows such as KTN News show on health to give advice on health lifestyle.  

  • Joji Biro

Joji is a well-known celebrity in Kenya, a gospel musician and gay.  Joji revealed to his fans that he tested positive in March 11, 2011. Joji is well known for fighting for the rights of the LGBTQ community in Kenya, he also disclosed that he become gay after joining high school at St paul’s Miluki. He was involved in a romantic relationship with a priest.

  • Sammy Githaiga

Sammy is a famous Tiktoker in Kenya. He is also HIV positive and an HIV activist. He disclosed on Tiktok that he was forced to life of prostitution at a very young age due to family issues and that is how he got the virus. He uses his account on Tiktok to educate people of the importance of taking ARVs and living positively.

  • Frigacy

Frigacy is one of the Kenyan celebrities that has disclosed he is HIV positive. In 2013 during an interview he disclosed that he started taking drugs when he was only 16 years old in high school form two. Frigacy continued using drugs until he was done with high school but sadly it never ended there, he continued with the same life style after school smoking, drinking and parties. But not too long after that Frigacy was diagnosed with HIV. After much encouragement Frigacy accepted his status and shared with the public. Sadly a year later Frigacy died under unknown circumstances.

  • Lady Maureen

Lady Maureen was a well-known celebrity in Kenya. She was diagnosed with the virus in 2002. When people living with HIV in Kenya had little or no access to the treatment. The death of the singer shocked many, Maureen died in 2020 battling the virus. She died shortly after being released the hospital.

  • Binyavanga Wainaina

The late Wainaina revealed his status in 2016 on the world Aida day. Wainaina announced on twitter that he was HIV positive and happy.Wainaina was also gay.He died a couple of years ago.

  • Brian Chira

Brian Chira is a well-known TikToker and he recently revealed that he was HIV positive. The 20 year old Brian Chira disclosed that his mother died when he was only 8 years old and that he just lost his aunt recently. He revealed the reason he was disclosing his results is because most of the people living with HIV are taking drugs but are always smiling and happy with life .Brian also disclosed that he has three sisters, and that his family is not concerned on his well-being.

  1. Richard Amuok

Richard Amuok is a rapper in Kenya in a popular hip-hop group by the name Ukoo Flani. He revealed the woman who infected him with HIV.