The result for Sportpesa Mega Jackpot for yesterday has been released. The first person won a whopping Ksh 4.4 million after correctly predicting 15/17 games. Each of the 5 jackpots paid bonuses to the winners.
Here is the summary of the result:
SportPesa Mega Jackpot BONUSES for 17 games
15 correct games—Ksh 4,473,373
14 correct games—Ksh 449,984
13 correct games—Ksh 88,027
12 correct games—Ksh 22,940
Winning combo- 1,1,x,2,1,2,2,x,x,2,2,x,1,2,2,x,x
SportPesa Mega Jackpot BONUSES for 16 games
14 correct games—Ksh 201,813
13 correct games—Ksh 21,646
12 correct games—Ksh 11,384
11 correct games—Ksh 3,183
SportPesa Mega Jackpot BONUSES for 15 games
12 correct games—Ksh 52,715
11 correct games—Ksh 34,110
10 correct games—Ksh 5,315
SportPesa Mega Jackpot BONUSES for 14 games
12 correct games—Ksh 263,789
11 correct games—Ksh 93,102
10 correct games—Ksh 15,948
SportPesa Mega Jackpot BONUSES for 13 games
11 correct games—Ksh 366,164
10 correct games—Ksh 46,583
Congratulations to all winners!
This week we are offering amazing tips for Sportpesa Midweek and Mega Jackpots where each subscriber will receive a total of 4 versions of each jackpot. We also have 100% sure daily multibets.
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- Go to MPESA
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